Sunday, September 7, 2014

It’s Time to Cure the Dental Issues with Veneers Mansfield

Dental veneers are a thin ceramic shell that is layered over your original tooth and creates a more aesthetically pleasing look of the tooth and creates a nicer smile. Veneers are used commonly to help restore damaged teeth, fractured teeth or teeth that are discolored. The veneer is very thin; in fact it is only a millimeter in thickness and is placed on the surface of your tooth. The veneer Mansfield can help to create a protective layer over your original tooth that will help with reducing sensitivity to heat, cold and sweets and it can come in several different shades of white so that it will match your other teeth exactly.

Dental veneers
There are three different types of veneers that are offered by dentists in Mansfield including composite veneers, palatal veneers and porcelain veneers. The composite veneers are very commonly used and can be fitted in one trip to the dental office. They are very strong and have a smooth and polished look to them. The palatal veneers are made of gold and are not as common and are used for the inside of a person's teeth for managing wear on teeth. The porcelain veneers are some of the most popular because they are so strong and can easily be bonded to the front of the teeth. The process begins when the dentist takes an impression of your tooth and then first makes a plastic veneer which is temporary and then when the porcelain veneer is finished he will remove the temporary veneer and replaces it with the permanent one.

Veneers Mansfield Dentists have to remove a small portion of your tooth's enamel prior to applying the veneer so that they can get a solid bond. You will be surprised how quickly they can apply the veneers and how they can literally change your look in just a few hours’ time. You won't be able to stop smiling the rest of the day because you will be so pleased with the way your teeth now look. So be sure to look into having some veneers made for your teeth if they are discolored, damaged or in need of repair and reform your smile today.

Before actual cementing of the veneer to your teeth, The Dentist would cross examine it with your teeth and match several criteria's like color, size and length. Dentist would modify the veneer as per the requirements and finally before inserting a veneer the tooth is cleaned and polished several times. Rough tooth gives a strong bonding. So, with the help of special cement the veneer is attached to the tooth. At last your Dentist will apply a light beam which would activate certain chemical elements and heal quickly. Now, the Dentist will evaluate your bite and also remove any extra cement and gives it a final touch. The Dentist asks the patients to make a regular visit for about two weeks to ensure that the veneer is responding to the other functionality of tooth.

It is advisable that one stick on to the plan prescribed by the dentist and follows the post-operative instructions carefully.
Continue reading about Cleveland dental clinic.

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